My Words.

A collection of musings from a movement professional.

Focusing on evidence-based pain relief, mental state, wellness, and self-care for both clients and teachers in and out of the studio. Movement is healing, movement is life.

Davita Paul Davita Paul

Movement is not Trivial

It is easy to think of a movement practice as trivial or self-indulgent, especially when there is so much else going on around us. Our movement practices are needed now more than ever. Within the chaos, our exercise routine can give us stability.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Online Classes-The Varied Opinions

Virtual classes are a great way to maintain connected to clients when we can't meet in person, and for clients to maintain their workouts, but it can be challenging as well to miss the communal space and physical touch that many trainers prefer to work with in order to stretch and connect with our clients.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul


Many people are afraid of exercise when they’re in pain. But it is important to not rely on bed rest, which can make many injuries worse.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Pilates as Therapeutic Exercise

Movement is vital to living a vibrant and capable life. Since the modern lifestyle is set up to reduce the amount of daily movement, it is necessary to consciously make space in the daily schedule to move the body.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome tends to be a common feeling among successful people, that even with external evidence of accomplishments, one feels like a fraud, or less successful than everyone else.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Why Do I Ache?

Our main reason for feeling stiff, achy, and sore is being sedentary. The main goal main daily goal is to get movement in the body, to constantly be changing positions throughout the day.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Finding the Routine in the Quarantine

Creating a routine for your new normal can give yourself a foundation to stand on during this change. Routine can give us stability, a schedule, purpose, and inspiration.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

How to Implement Change in Exercise

There are some variables to play with in order to make changes to keep exercises interesting without completely changing the type of workout. These include speed, duration, number of repetitions, and angle of movement.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

One-to-One Training

Each session is tailored to the individual based on their physical and mental state of the day, issues they are dealing with, previous or current injuries, and current fitness or wellness goals. I take great pride in these different roles, finding the best way to be there for each individual client.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Changing a Business Model Overnight

Overnight, I went from running my own private studio back to feeling like a newbie, independent contractor, teaching one-off sessions around the city. Even though I know I didn't actually lose my business, it felt like my whole business that I had developed over the past 8 years had just disappeared.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Social-Distancing: The New Normal

Even though we are in the midst of practicing social distancing, I am seeing many communities coming together online, where they are able to connect. The fitness and wellness communities are making a huge impact for people to continue their movement and wellness practices and continue to go to classes.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Finding a New Normal within Uncertainty

The only constant in life is change. We have no control over it, but we do have control over our reactions. Our reactions can change how we feel, and can alter the outcome and experience of the situation.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Movement...How and Why

Make the time for yourself to workout. It has to be consistent, it has to be a priority, and it eventually has to become a lifestyle to maintain.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Rules for Recurring Pain

Often, recurring pain or chronic pain is from overuse and/or poor motor habits. It takes time to reduce stressors on the tissues, to reduce the current aggravation, and then re-teach the body how to move pain-free.

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Davita Paul Davita Paul

Movement as Healing

Movement practices keep people being able to do the things they enjoy, it builds strength, increases confidence, and improves quality of living. But it does take time, patience, practice, and consistency. It is a lifestyle.

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