Social-Distancing: The New Normal

First week down, an unknown number more to go of our Corona-Social-Distancing New Reality! It always takes me about 3-5 days of anxiety and incessant planning before I can settle into a new routine, a new reality. I've had to let go of the "supposed-to's", the "shoulds", and the rigidity of what my schedule "used to" or "must" be. I'm now tentatively starting to feel settled into this new schedule for myself. It's quite challenging to take a step back, allow things to slow down, to breathe and to take time.

Within this constant uncertainty, what I have found absolutely amazing in this first week, is seeing how people can come together in a time of distress…at least after the initial shock, stockpiling, and panic tapers off. Even though we are in the midst of practicing social distancing, I am seeing many communities coming together online, where they are able to connect.

The dance, fitness, and wellness communities are making a huge impact for people to continue their movement and wellness practices and continue to go to classes. Not only is this beneficial for physical health, but also social and mental wellbeing to continue to feel purposeful, connected, and inspired. I am so proud of these communities that I am a part of, seeing fitness teachers, physical therapists, and dance companies and studios around the world reaching out to connect and lift one another up, offering services virtually via TeleFIT and TeleHealth.

All last week I worked on moving my own business online, since my studio had to be temporarily closed along with all the others during this crisis. For a while now, I had actually been wanting to create an online teaching practice, in order to reach people who don't live nearby, to continue working with clients when they are away for a period of time, and to accommodate people who cannot come to my studio. It's interesting to see how unprecedented circumstances force us to adapt, and can be a catalyst for change.

While beginning my virtual private sessions with clients, I have also been able to take online classes myself, such as shadow boxing, HIIT classes, Pilates sessions, Ballet, Gaga, and Yoga classes. It is quite uplifting to be able to continue to teach remotely, as well as being able to take all these incredible classes from other professionals whom I would normally not be able to work with due to time and location constraints. At the end of these online classes, I can see all the other participants from all over the world! Here we are, building incredible connections while we're isolated. We're all in this together.

There is a lot of research showing the efficacy of virtual sessions, whether it is telehealth with your doctor, your physical therapist, or teleFIT with your orthopedic exercise specialist, Pilates teacher, etc. There is substantial evidence to support the effectiveness of telehealth, especially for chronic pain and chronic health conditions, as being just as beneficial as in-person sessions. We're now seeing these virtual avenues get a lot of attention, with the current crisis being the catalyst for finally pushing this to be more utilized en masse across hospitals, physical therapy clinics, and studios.

It's great that we're finally getting the push to support more virtual sessions, and I hope this continues, giving more people access to classes, doctors, PTs, and exercise specialists, that otherwise, they couldn't have accessed in-person.

The silver linings are important to acknowledge when we are able to do so. If we have our health we can appreciate the positives we are starting to see such as less pollution since manufacturing is minimized, there are significantly fewer cars on the roads as there is nowhere to go and most people are working from home, there are many less toss-away containers and coffee cups since again most people don't have to rush off to a meeting or work. Another positive is what we discussed above, the virtual community and connection that we're building within the dance, fitness, and health networks, and beyond. Even in the midst of this serious pandemic, things have slowed down quite a lot for most people. We have some time to be quiet, to sit, to contemplate. Maybe the positives will become more of an ongoing normal even after this social distancing is over.

Generally, I'm not overly optimistic, but I do see the silver lining within the craziness of the current situation. Those of us lucky enough to be able to see these positives, let's try in whatever way we can to support those who don't have this luxury, to help those who have to worry about how they will afford their bills and those who are suffering from this illness.

The only constant is change. And this too shall pass. In the meantime, let's unite however we can, and give our gratitude to the people working on the frontlines … grocery store attendants, government employees, and all of the doctors, nurses, and medical staff working endlessly to help us all fight together.


My makeshift office during week 1 of stay-at-home

…studio/office/gym/living room during social-distancing...the commute is super convenient from upstairs!


At-home fitness essentials

Bodyweight exercises are great, and small props such as a theraband, looped resistance band, glider discs, Pilates ring, and small inflatable ball can make workouts even more effective!

Recommended equipment to add variety to at-home sessions:

  • Small hand weights (recommended weight-2-4 lbs)

  • Pilates Magic Circle

  • Resistance Tubing with handles

  • Long Theraband

  • Looped Theraband

  • Glider Discs

  • Pilates ball (8-10 inches, inflatable, non-weighted)

  • Bosu Ball or Balance Board/Wobble board

  • Stability Ball (inflatable, 55cm for people up to 5'4", 65cm for people up to 5'7", 75cm 5'8" and up)

  • Yoga mat or exercise mat

Here goes week 2 of Social-Distancing!!!


Changing a Business Model Overnight


Finding a New Normal within Uncertainty